PAT LAMOUREUX - One episode in a person's life, does not define the person.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Sen. Grassley: Fights for military members suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries

I view this as almost "landmark". There is a soldier who was facing being forced out of the military due to his conduct. He had not received proper treatment for PTSD. He faced losing all of his benefits by having an Involuntary Administrative Separation.

Patrick did not receive propert treatment either. And he now stands to lose everything.

Here is part of the article. Click on the link for the complete story.

"As a result of his service to his country in Iraq and Afghanistan, Jeremy suffers from PTSD, but was not given proper treatment upon his return to Camp Lejeune. This, as is often the case, led to problems with alcohol and a series of incidents to the point that the Marine Corps was considering an Involuntary Administrative Separation due to misconduct. Despite the fact that Jeremy’s problems were a direct result of the injury he sustained in combat, this would have meant that he would have no access to military or veterans benefits, including the health care necessary to deal with his PTSD."

And for over 10 months Pat has not had access to his veterans benefits including the health care necessary to deal with his PTSD.

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"Grandpa Pat & Kain"

"Grandpa Pat & Kain"
"Kain-man" the jokester....

Pat Lamoureux - Iraq 2003

Pat Lamoureux - Iraq 2003
"Pat is an extraordinary, thoughtful, kind and generous man...not to mention a wonderful friend, in which one could always count upon to be there when in need." (words of a long time friend)

Pat's Family

Pat's Family
Mica & Heather, grandson Kain