PAT LAMOUREUX - One episode in a person's life, does not define the person.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


It is 1:00 a.m. - September 19, 2010

At this time two years ago lives had begun to spin out of control, and lives were on the verge of complete destruction. 

How sad that I couldn't have had a clue what was going to happen in an hour and a half.  I can think of so many things that I could have done differently if I had only known that hell was about to erupt and destroy the lives of Pat and Sue Lamoureux...............

But it's history now, and I can't change it.  But I pray every day and every night for a new beginning and that justice will prevail and Pat Lamoureux will get his freedom.   I pray we will soon be able to pick up the pieces and begin to put our new lives together.  That is what has to happen.  Pat has been punished, he deserves to have the chance to rebuild his life.

Thank you everyone for your support in the past, and please continue to stand by and support Pat Lamoureux.  I will never give up fighting with every ounce of my life to save his life.

"Grandpa Pat & Kain"

"Grandpa Pat & Kain"
"Kain-man" the jokester....

Pat Lamoureux - Iraq 2003

Pat Lamoureux - Iraq 2003
"Pat is an extraordinary, thoughtful, kind and generous man...not to mention a wonderful friend, in which one could always count upon to be there when in need." (words of a long time friend)

Pat's Family

Pat's Family
Mica & Heather, grandson Kain